Dogs are loving companions who love to share every moment with their owners. When it comes to fruits, dog owners ask what fruits can dogs eat safely. Fruits are good for dogs because they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Dogs can eat fruits, but that doesn’t mean you can give all fruits to dogs. It becomes challenging not to share certain fruits with your canine because they can be dangerous to their health. If you want to know what fruit can dogs not eat, then fruits like avocado, cherries, grapes, plums, apricots, dates, figs, and others are toxic to dogs. So, avoid sharing these fruits with your four-legged friend because their poisoning in dogs is natural after eating certain types of fruits.
Can dogs eat Blueberry/ blueberries?
Dog owners are concerned about blueberries and often inquire that are blueberries good for dogs. Blueberries are an excellent superfood beneficial for dogs. Dogs can safely eat this sweet and juicy fruit as they are loaded with vitamin C, phytonutrients, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Antioxidants in blueberries prevent cell damage in dogs. Pet owners can serve blueberries to their dogs as a training treat.
Can dogs eat BlackBerry/ blackberries?
Blackberries are enriched with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and antioxidants that boost the immunity of dogs. Serve fresh blackberries to your canine in moderate amounts because too many blackberries will cause an upset stomach, leading to diarrhea.
Can dogs eat raspberry/ raspberries?
Raspberries can be a healthy treat for your dog as they are packed with potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, folic acid, fiber, magnesium, and antioxidants. Pet owners should be aware that raspberries contain xylitol, a natural sweetener toxic to animals when consumed in large amounts. So, always serve raspberries to your dog in a moderate amount to prevent toxicity.
Can dogs eat strawberry/strawberries?
Strawberries can be a healthy alternative to store-bought treats for dogs. Strawberries are full of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, essential nutrients, and antioxidants that support the immune system of dogs. Strawberries contain a protein that may cause an allergic reaction in some dogs. Be careful when feeding strawberries to dogs because too many of them can cause gastrointestinal upset.
Can dogs eat kiwi?
Can dogs eat kiwi fruit? Dog owners mostly ask this question. Kiwi fruit is enriched with vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. The most significant advantage of kiwi for dogs is that it protects them against cancer and strengthens their immune system. You must go for kiwi as a delicious snack for your dog that improves blood circulation, helps in digestion, and keeps your dog’s skin healthy.
Can dogs eat watermelon?
If you wonder are watermelons good for dogs, then yes. This low-calorie fruit is loaded with vitamin C, vitamin A, and B6 vitamins. Watermelon is the best option to keep your dog hydrated, especially during summer. Watermelon improves the functioning of nerves and muscles in dogs. Before serving watermelon to your dog, carefully remove the seeds and rind that can cause a choking hazard in puppies and dogs.
Can dogs eat peaches?
If you are willing to offer peaches to your dog, then go for it. Peaches contain Vitamin C and dietary fiber. Freshly sliced peaches are healthy for dogs to eat. You must be careful when serving peaches, and don’t forget to remove its pit because it can cause intestinal blockage. Canned peaches are unsafe for dogs because of their high sugar content causing diarrhea and upset stomach.
Can dogs eat figs?
Figs have a high amount of fiber in them. So it’s not a good option for your dog. Figs can cause diarrhea in your dog. That’s why you should serve one or two figs to your dog as an occasional treat. Figs contain a toxin named ficin, making figs poisonous to dogs. When the ficin is ingested by dogs, it causes vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and drooling. You need to immediately take your dog to the vet to deal with this emergency.
Can dogs eat melon?
The sweetness and juiciness of melons attract the dogs towards them. Melons contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them suitable for dogs. Dogs can safely eat melon when served in a small amount. For overweight dogs, melons can be a healthy treat. Remove the seeds before feeding melon to your dog because seeds may cause choking hazards.
Can dogs have grapefruit?
Dogs find the grapefruit flavor slightly bitter, and they don’t show interest in eating it. The flesh of grapefruit is safe for dogs only when served in small quantities. Grapefruit contains citric acid that can upset the digestive system of your dog. Grapefruit causes vomiting and diarrhea in most dogs. Be careful about grapefruit rind and other plant parts because they are highly toxic to dogs.
Final thought:
Fruits provide various health benefits to dogs. When introducing any fruit to your dog’s diet, always begin with a small amount and monitor your dog’s responses to it. Fruits that are safe for dogs should be served fresh and sliced. Certain fruits like grapes, avocado, figs, and others are highly toxic to dogs. To avoid their adverse reactions, you must not feed them to your dog.